Does your hybrid cloud data flow diagram remind you of a bowl of spaghetti? Simplify your environment and eliminate complex data management by centralizing your on-premises and cloud data under a unified hybrid storage fabric.
As organizations add cloud applications and services, they are finding it increasingly complex to manage their data and extremely difficult to integrate these new cloud services with their legacy on-premises environments. One of the main reasons for this is because every cloud service provider (CSP) speaks their own language which is also different from the languages of your on-premises SANs and NASs. It doesn’t have to be this way.
There is a simple and secure solution to untangling your hybrid cloud environment.
Before we get into the solution, it’s important to understand the reasons behind this unnecessary complexity and why there is such a vacuum in hybrid cloud solutions. The main factors have to do with incompatible technology and decentralized data.
Traditional on-prem enterprise storage vendors, like DellEMC and Netapp, are mostly hardware-based. There’s no way to forklift your storage hardware into your AWS or Azure cloud without some seriously expensive custom colocation services. Therefore, these legacy providers have been trying to create abstracted software versions of their solutions to run on top of certain CSP storage clouds. These ad-hoc API and plug-in heavy integrations are both clunky and extremely constrained by the limitations of the storage cloud on which they are built.
At the same time, CSP’s are not focusing on developing on-prem storage solutions. It’s not their business model and they make much more profit convincing customers to store all of their data on their platform and locking them in as much as possible.
The inherent decentralization of the typical cloud storage architecture also creates exponentially more complexity. Each CSP has a unique and generally isolated storage cloud for each type of data; file, block, object, archive, etc. In addition, each storage cloud has its own independent management console. For organizations utilizing services and running applications in multiple clouds while also maintaining their on-premises environment, it’s not uncommon for an administrator to juggle operating over a dozen different management interfaces. Add additional interfaces if they’re utilizing 3rd party backup and replication software.
Even on-premises enterprise storage solutions from the traditional vendors aren’t as centralized as they can be. Advancements in software-defined storage now allow for the combination of high-performing SAN, NAS, and object pools into a single storage platform. Cost-effective backup and archive storage can also be tiered on the same platform and managed from the same console.
Decentralization of data also introduces significant security and data integrity challenges. Besides the obvious security concerns of storing sensitive data in a public cloud, sharing resources with an indefinite number of unknown entities, each CSP has its own unique security and compliance standards. The more locations and copies of a particular set of data, the more difficult it is to secure it and ensure its integrity.
The issues with decentralized data across multiple clouds and your on-prem environment are made even more challenging by the lack of interoperability between distinct cloud platforms. After all, those cloud platforms exist as a business to hold as much of your data as possible without sharing it with other competing clouds. It’s textbook vendor lock.
So, how do we untangle this hybrid cloud complexity?
Cloud-ready enterprise storage on-premises + Private MultiCloud Storage by Madison Cloud. An entire platform built on StorONE software-defined storage, Madison Cloud removes the challenges of incompatible technologies and decentralized, siloed cloud storage while better securing your data and ensuring data integrity.
For both on-prem and cloud installations, all types of data and performance tiers are hosted simultaneously from a single storage instance. Your entire data storage footprint can be managed from a single console; even from your phone or tablet.
Bidirectional secure network connections are established between your on-premises data and private multicloud storage enclave, and between your cloud storage and the compute clouds on which your cloud applications and services are running. Your data flows seamlessly throughout your hybrid cloud environment while the applications and services running in any number of connected clouds are simultaneously accessing your newly centralized Private MultiCloud Storage.
Centralized storage is also critical to a solid, secure global backup and disaster recovery strategy. StorONE’s software-defined storage includes built-in replication, as well as the capability to work with your existing third-party backup software such as Veeam or Commvault. These tools make it easy for you to create a backup strategy that can include your remote offices, headquarters, datacenters, and entire cloud footprint. Create a policy that is best for your organization without the limitations of siloed and incompatible data pools.
Simply put, Madison Cloud untangles your hybrid cloud environment and gives you the flexibility, security, and control previously lacking in the market. This enables your enterprise to confidently plan forward with a future-proof cloud strategy built around your data.
Whether your organization is newly exploring how to integrate cloud services or is interested in simplifying an existing hybrid or multicloud strategy, let’s talk about how Madison Cloud and StorONE can design a solution to meet your objectives for today and tomorrow. Contact or visit to schedule a discussion.